Monday, 13 June 2016

I stand with the LGBT community. And rainbows are cool.

Today the rainbow that represents the LGBT community is covered in blood. Another day, another massive amount of people dead. It must be Monday.

Image courtesy of Getty stock images.
Usually I prefer not to get too involved with media frenzies that seem to only cover tragic loss that occurs in the western world. Forget the dying and the dead in Africa or Asia, they are not important, or not interesting enough to sell advertising space. Westerners only drool over the dead from Western lives.

But, to me, the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting and the 50 odd dead is different. I know more gay people than straight people. I like them. They are fun and, wait for it, they are actually NORMAL people. They eat food, sometimes they even meat. They have jobs, sometimes of which are in industries other than fashion or events and they even have families that love them. Well, we hope they do anyway.
The LGBT community has been persecuted for so long, I actually thought the maltreatment of them was mostly over. Finally, it was looking like they were going to be free to live their lives as they see fit and splash rainbows around as much as they like, except of course, without the right to marry. But that is a whole other argument.

Obama, Clinton and Trump are taking to their virtual and literal microphones, no rainbows in sight, to blame extreme terrorists for the deaths in a community they usually don’t seem to care too much for. Not publicly anyway and certainly not at election time with all those evil terrorists out there that must be annihilated at all costs, they have to get their priorities straight. The LGBT community doesn't do much for an election because they are gay and happy and therefore less likely to go on a rampage and kill 50 odd people. It’s the threat of mass shootings and bombs going off that wins elections in America these days, not acts of homophobia.

It’s absurd that what was clearly a hate crime has yet to be properly declared as one. Instead politicians are using this tragedy to fuel their own agendas; terrorism and gun control.

What a great day for American politics and the American people. The straight ones anyway.

Two guys sharing an innocent kiss in what was actually THEIR TURF, namely at a gay nightclub, makes it so much worse. It’s a gay nightclub filled with gay people, what did he expect? If you don’t like gay people don’t watch them kiss at a gay nightclub. It is so 1953 to not like gay people, so beige, so vanilla.

Over 50 of the LGBT community are dead because one American idiot with a gun that he never should have had access to, took offense to a small, demonstrative display of affection in a public place.

Living in 2016 is not a choice but choosing to live with a 1953 attitude is.

Homosexuality is not a choice but homophobia is.

I stand with the LGBT community and my rainbow flag is flying high.  


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